So, let's just call the whole thing off, and move on with some fun fair pictures!

But the very best part of the fair were these little baby ducklings.
They were only two days old and sooooo soft. I seriously could have watched them for hours. It made me want to bring one home along with a baby chick, Chandler and Joey style! The boys loved petting the ducklings too and have asked several times when we can go back to the fair to see them.
As we were walking out of the fair, we noticed that they were holding a pig catching event in the grandstand so we decided to check it out. Teams of three people would wade though thick mud, chasing a pig, trying to pick it up and put it in a barrel. I have to say that I thought it was the weirdest form of entertainment I have ever seen. Plus, who decides that they want to tromp through thick mud, knowing you are going to get completely covered in mud (etc.), trying to pick up a heavy, stinky pig, and let everyone watch you. I don't get it. But I did take a picture of a team that did it very fast. Do you think they practice for this sort of thing?

Kade was super sad when we said it was time to leave, and in true Kade fashion, let us know how he felt.