So, cool story. After they performed, Lifehouse did. When Lifehouse was almost done, I decided that I had better use the ladies room. I knew if I waited, the line would be long and I might miss some of Daughtry, which I wasn't going to do. So, I ran out into the hall toward the restroom. I heard a man say, "Are you doing the potty dance?" I turned and said, "No." Then I realized that it was 3 of the 4 members of Cavo and that Casey had asked. I told him that I just needed to beat all the other women to the restroom. Then I told him that since we were friends now, I guess that meant that I got to chat with them in the hall. They asked how I liked the show, and I told them it was great. Then I gave them high-fives, and went into the bathroom. The girl behind me said, "That wasn't Cavo was it?" I told her it was and she asked why I got to talk to them in the hall and give them high-fives. So I told her that we were friends, and that we had backstage passes earlier. I felt so cool.
Then came THE BEST part of the night. I got to watch Chris Daughtry perform live!!
Then came THE BEST part of the night. I got to watch Chris Daughtry perform live!!