Here are a bunch of pictures from some of the fun things we've been doing this summer! One Friday night while my mom was here visiting, we went to a baseball game. It was such nice weather, the game was exciting, and there were fireworks after! After the fireworks were over, the kids got to run once around the bases. Such a simple concept, but so exciting for 5 year-old boys!

The next day was a Family Fun Run put on by our church. They do a 5k, and a kids run. Kade and Ky took their race so seriously, and Bart and I have both challenged each other to run the 5k next year! This is a huge deal because I HATE running. I would rather do twice as much of any other cardio activity than run. But, I'm going to want some motivation to work hard after the baby comes, and it might be nice to have a goal and accomplish something as horrifying as a 5k! (I know all you runners out there are laughing at me, but seriously, in my mind, running=torture.)

And they're off!! Both of the boys ran the entire 1/2 mile without stopping, or slowing down. They did not get their running skills from me! All the kids ran together, but they divided up the winners by age and gender and the winner of the 5 year-old boys category...

Kade Miller! Ky was only about 4 seconds behind, a nice 2nd place finish. After it was over I thought they should have held hands as they crossed the finish line so they could tie, but I guess they are going to have to deal with one or the other being better at some things their entire life, but it was hard to watch Ky be disappointed when Kade's name was on the poster, when his name was called, and when he got his medal. All because of 4 seconds.

The next weekend, Bart volunteered to work the first-aid booth at the nearby Native American Pow-wow. So, the boys and I tagged along for a while to see what it was all about. It was fascinating to see all the amazing costumes and to hear the music and see the dancing. What a rich culture!

Isn't this little guy so cute all dressed up! I love it!
Another fun outing the boys and Bart took was fishing with Grandpa Zen. They had a good time, and came home with a fun story about how Kade almost caught a fish, only to have it get off the line as they were pulling it up in the air. Oh well!