The Wednesday of our trip was an exploring/relaxing/beach day.

One of our favorite parts of the day was taking the car ferry to Balboa Island. It was so fun to drive our car right out onto the ferry and float across the water. Since the ferry wasn't much bigger than our car, when we looked out the side windows, it almost just looked like the car was floating by itself.

We walked around Balboa Island, looked in a few of the little shops, and of course stopped for frozen bananas. Yum!
Of course, about half way through eating his, Krew decided that he'd rather feed his to the pigeons than eat it himself.
Krew was the first to spend any of his souvenir money when he found this peregrine falcon kite. We still haven't had a chance to try it out, but hopefully soon.

While the little ones napped, I did laundry, and my dad worked, the others went for a bike ride along the beach. They said it was super fun and gorgeous. Next time I'm gonna have to go with them!
The rest of the afternoon was spent playing at the beach. It was perfect and made me wish we had the chance to play at the beach much more often. I was perfectly happy watching everyone play while listening to the waves and walking or relaxing.
The boys apparently didn't mind that the pacific ocean is freezing and they played in the water for hours.
Everly wanted to play in the waves a little bit, but most of the time was content to build a sand castle.
I love the beach!