Thursday, September 6, 2018

mother's day 2018

 Here's another edition of my favorite mother's day present: photos with me and my kids together.  None of these pictures are perfect, but they represent real life with these awesome kiddos.

 I feel like my connection with each one of them is special and unique, and I have to work hard to see them all as very unique individuals who need me in different ways than their siblings do.

 Even though it can be challenging being a mom, and I often feel like I am failing at it, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  I guess failing is too harsh a term, but I do often feel like they are growing and changing faster than I can adapt my parenting style to meet their ever-changing needs.  I hope that no matter what, they always know that I love them more than anything, and that I always tried to be the best mom I could!

Arent' they all so cute?  I can't believe they are mine!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

grandpa's new calf and building a garden

Way back in May, we took the kids to see grandpa's new calf.  The two younger kids simply love animals, so we knew it would be a super fun outing for them.  It did not disappoint!  

 Later that day, Krew was the best helper and helped daddy build garden boxes for our back yard.  It was sun watching them work together, and I envisioned all the different projects that Krew will someday help Bart with.

 I think maybe I have a future in livestock photography.  Ha ha!


 Lest you think that because of the horrible April blizzard that we didn't have any spring, I assure you we did.  But it was super short.  We did spend a fair amount of April inside, snuggling with our dolls watching movies, but it did occasionally get warm enough to venture outside to play.

 And yes, we do have a playground near us that looks like it is made out of cheese, because: Wisconsin.

After being stuck inside all winter long, it was nice to be able to play outdoors.