My friend Whitney posted a great idea on her blog. In light of California's recent ruling to allow same-sex marriages, and the upcoming November ballot measure, Proposition 8, she asked everyone with a blog to post a link to the church's document, "The Divine Institution of Marriage." Her thought was that the more links to this document, the more people can become aware of the negative consequences of allowing same-sex marriage and of the church's stand on marriage, that perhaps we can make a difference in this very important issue.
If we ignore the issue, and continue to allow same-sex marriages, many areas will be affected. Religious universities will have to provide housing for same-sex couples, adoption agencies will have to give equal consideration to same-sex couples, otherwise public religious buildings will have to allow same-sex weddings, and schools (starting with elementary school) will have to teach same-sex relationships as being just as accepted as those between a man and a woman. I don't even want to think about what middle-school sex education curriculum would teach.
I'm not ready to let my boys grow up in such a society. If you feel as strongly as I do, do something. Posting a link to the above document on your blog might be a good start.
Oooh, I love the picture. Nice touch!
I don't know what kind of publicity prop 8 is getting outside of the state of CA, but we've got commercials all over telling people to vote no and the media keeps arguing that same sex marriage is a civil rights issue and not a moral issue. I'm so tired of hearing those arguements. We live really close to San Francisco, and when gay marriage passed, the media celebrated for weeks. A few weeks ago, our stake went door to door (like missionaries) trying to get people to vote yes and one of the stake pres in the area was on the news last week trying to make voters aware. The prophets have been very vocal to the saints about getting involved in making sure that prop 8 passes. I think they know the fate of our society if it doesn't and I fear the world that my kids will have to grow up in if it doesn't. Sorry this is so long, but it is a BIG issue here in CA. And if it passes, it won't be long before the rest of the nation follows.
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