I finished reading The Host last night. I started it a few weeks ago when Bart brought it home for me when he knew I had had a bad day (isn't he the sweetest?)
Anyway, I have had several people ask me to let them know what I thought of it when I was done so here goes. (Don't worry, I won't give away anything in the book. I hate when people do that. In fact, I don't even watch movie previews any more. If I already know I want to watch a certain movie, I don't want to know anything that is going to happen, or any of the jokes, etc. I want to be totally surprised. So I will show the same courtesy here.
First I have to say, that for the first while I had to remind myself about every other chapter that while, yes, this was a Stephenie Meyer book, no, Edward was not going to be in it. Of course I knew that, but I think somewhere deep down I was waiting for him to make an appearance.
The first few days I was reading it, whenever Bart would ask how it was, I would tell him it was weird. Not bad weird, but I'm not really a sci-fi person, and the story concept was a bit out there. I wasn't sure I was ever going to be okay with the concept--not in a moral way or anything like that, it was just out there.
Then one day, I was telling Bart about it, and I realized that I already believed in the characters and the plot line like the author wanted me to. After I reached that point, I really liked the book and always wanted to find out what was going to happen next.
There were a few slow parts, and a few of the "twists" that I saw coming, but most of the story was really interesting. I'm amazed at how Stephenie Meyer can take characters and concepts that are so unbelievable and make them so believable. Also, she makes all the pieces of the story work together in a way that always surprises me.
It wasn't as good as the Twilight series, but I'm definitely sad that it's over and I'm back to thinking, "Now what am I going to read?"