We had a great weekend and did lots of fun stuff. The weather here has suddenly turned quite chilly, but we managed to have some great outdoor fun anyway. Thursday, the boys and I went to the local zoo. It was much smaller than the zoos I'm used to going to, but it had some fun animals, and it was in a gorgeous setting.

A lot of the zoo looked like this: lots of trees, with colorful leaves

The boys' favorite animal was this moose. It kept pacing and grunting. The boys have been making moose sounds all weekend.

I had to get a picture of the boys with this bright red bush.

The giraffe exhibit was awesome, they sold giraffe crackers on this platform to feed the giraffes. The boys got scared when they saw the long purple tongue, but they still thought the giraffes were pretty neat.

This smile only lasted until Kade turned around and realized that the giraffe was trying to "eat him."

Friday evening we were invited to have dinner at the home of one of the doctors Bart works with. Yes, it is October in Wisconsin, and yes the boys were in the pool. Don't worry, the water was very warm and the boys only shivered when they got out. The boys were so excited to swim. When we lived in Florida, we would go swimming several times per week, and we haven't gone since June, so it was great to see them back in the pool again.
It was great to visit with Dr. Block and his family. They are such a neat family and Bart and I thought it was exciting to be in a home with teenagers leaving for Friday night activities again. Bart is lucky to work with such great people.
Saturday morning we went to a local wildlife preserve. This was the bird area, where the boys loved feeding the ducks and geese. They also had a lot of other birds on display.

Bart got to feed this deer. It was neat to see the dear so close and watch the boys watch the deer.
Kade and the deer
The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying General Conference. It was nice to be inspired and uplifted as we are every six months.
It has gotten chilly here in good ol' wisconsin. Looks like you guys had fun. Hope everyhting is going well.
The rest of the weekend? How do you find the time to fit all that stuff into one weekend? I think that would take our family all summer. You always are doing such fun things!
how fun!
That's awesome they were swimming outside!
I'm so happy for you guys that Bart's job is going well!
My kids viewed this post with me the whole time chanting "no fair, no fair!" :)
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