We've been looking for a while for a (used) swingset to put in the backyard. (Can you believe how expensive some of these playsets are?) A few weeks ago we found one on craigslist for a steal, plus the previous owner said he would take it apart and bring it to our house for a small additional fee. The boys have been so excited for it to come, and they have been playing on it non-stop since Tuesday evening. It also helps that the weather has been in the 70's the past few days. We are loving it and hoping spring is here to stay!

Kade showing his excitement
That is AWESOME!!! I am soo happy for you!!
I know what you mean about the price of those things too. It is insane. Congrats on getting such a great deal!!
That is great. I would love to get one for our place, but they are so expensive!
I have been addicted to craigs list and ksl lately. I love finding a great deal on them. I am so jealous of the great weather. We are still waking up to snow around here.
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