My little brother Jonathan married his sweetheart Katherine on November 20th in the Draper temple. We were lucky enough to be there to help them celebrate this special day. It was so neat being in the sealing room with lots of my family members watching them be sealed.
Outside the temple afterwards, we tried to take pictures, but it was soooo windy and cold, so pictures didn't last very long. But I think I got a few good ones anyway. Katherine's dad is a photographer and was their official photographer, but I wanted to take some too, so I tagged along behind him to capture a few moments.

Doesn't my mom look pretty in this picture (and wind-blown, and happy)

Our family

I love how happy my brother looks in this shot

Isn't my new sister-in-law gorgeous?! Yep, she is.

Glad they can be silly together
The whole day was just beautiful, and we are so glad we got to be there. Congrats Jonathan and Katherine!
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