In case you were wondering if things are getting a little crazy around here in anticipation of the Superbowl, let me show you a few pictures of what I found at the grocery store this week. I also wish I could give you a feel for how I can't turn on the radio without hearing some song that they've taken and turned it into a "Packers-are-going-to-the-Superbowl" song. They are all high quality too, let me tell you. Anyway, back to the grocery store. (Sorry for the poor-quality cell phone pics again.)

(These are Packer rice krispie treats)

I hope you are wearing your Packer jammies day and night like the rest of Wisconsin always did...and out in public of course! That's so funny they get a day of school-I guess we moved too soon!
You're going to think I'm a major creeper, but HI, this is Erica, the Tot Spot lady. How I found this blog is a LONG story that involves trying to describe Ky and Kade's antics to my fiance. If you're still creeped out, I'll do my best to explain how I found this, no matter how red-faced I may be.
ANYWAY, while I'm here, I've gotta stick up for Kade. I had a Packer helmet example and a Steeler helmet example hanging up on the corkboard we have in the room. Ky and Kade looked up, and right away, Ky said, "I'll make the Packer helmet!" and Kade said, "Well, I'll make the Steeler helmet!" and I said, Kade, just because Ky is making a Packer helmet, that doesn't mean you don't have to, and he said, "That's okay, this way we'll have both helmets!" So for him, it wasn't a matter of preference as much as it was a matter of logistics or something. I hope I helped alleviate some of the guilt Kade might be feeling at home. ;-D
Holy Cow... now that is some serious football game spirit.. I thought the gators were bad... Love the idea of dropping the kids off while you shop... best idea EVER!
Don't worry about being a blog-stalker...I do it all the time to others! I'm glad to know that Kade isn't really a Steelers fan. He did cheer for the Steelers for the first twenty minutes of the game, but then he changed his mind and cheered the Packers on the rest of the game!
I thought about you yesterday! I'm glad (for your sake) Packers won. I don't think I would want to be around that town after a loss.
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