We have been growing tired of the "home-builder beige" wall color and so we decided to go green and let Kade paint the walls.

Actually we let both boys paint the sample colors on the wall, and none of these colors won.

But a few more sample colors and a few more spots and we had picked our color. I don't have a really good before pic of the kitchen/living room wall, but this gives you a pretty good idea of what it looked like before. We also painted the wall by our fireplace and around our pantry door in the kitchen.


Bart did all the painting and only had one incident wherein he stuck his toes in the paint tray!

What do you think?


Dining area in kitchen after

This wall around the pantry is my favorite part about the change. I just love the way the angled walls pop with the color.
I didn't contribute much to the wall color, but I did make this wipe-off menu that matches. It's so handy and cute!
Love you!!
Love the menu. How did you do it? A menu like that has been on my to-do list forever, but I haven't gotten around to it. Please share!
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