Last week, Bart and I went to Vegas just the two of us for a few days. Bart had a conference to attend out there, so we decided I should tag along and have a few days just the two of us before this baby comes. We spent the trip taking awesome hold-the-camera-at-arms-length-and-take-pictures-of-yourself photos. They don't always turn out the best, but it's fun that our photos all follow a theme!

At the airport

This is the awesome ceiling in the Bellagio lobby. It's made of huge glass "flowers." So pretty!

We spotted Micheal Jackson while we were there :)

This picture behind us is made of real, live flowers

Someone took pity on the fact that we were trying to take all our picture ourselves, so they took this one for us. It's nice to have a photo that's not so close up.

Bart in front of Caesar's Palace

This is the Monte Carlo where we stayed

If I look a little sick in most of these pictures it's because I was. Not horribly sick, but I was so congested-hence the Rudolph look I'm sporting.

ooh, yummy!

How patriotic!

Notice the palm trees? I LOVE palm trees!

In front of the pirate ship--which reminds me, we saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean while we were there. Awe.some.

Gelato! Doesn't it look awesome? Too bad we saw this fancy gelato 2 minutes after we bought some other not-so-fancy gelato. Oh well, ours was still tasty.
Our Vegas photo book wouldn't be complete without a picture of us in front of the slots!
We had such a good time and it was fun to see all the craziness that is Las Vegas. One of the funnest things we did while we were there was see a Cirque du Soleil show-Mystere. It was incredible, and it made me want to see another one before I left, but we didn't. The last night I was there, we went to a buffet with Bart's uncle Von who was out there for the same conference. It was fun to eat crab legs, shrimp, chicken, pasta, etc, etc, etc. It was yummy food and I liked being able to just take a little bit of a lot of different food (except the crab legs which I took lots of!).
But, the yummiest thing we ate while we were there was a chocolate crepe at the Bellagio. It was a huge crepe, covered in brownie pieces, chocolate sauce, and chocolate shavings!!! Wow! We had to wait quite a while for it, and while we were waiting Bart said, "This had better be the best crepe I have ever had." And guess what? It was!
Thanks Bart for such a fun trip!
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