Sunday, August 14, 2011

july madison trip

We just got back from a week in Iowa visiting Bart's extended family, but I want to keep my posts in order, so stay tuned for that post later.

At the end of July, we went to Madison to spend the weekend with Bart's brother Bret, and his family. We had such a great weekend full of fun things to do and really enjoyed the time we got to spend with Bret, Charise, Cooper and Lynndon.

The men started the weekend off with a round of golf, while us moms watched the kids play around outside. Then on Saturday, we got up and went to the zoo. It's the perfect size to explore for a morning, plus it's free!

Cute Lynndon!
Bart and his brother Bret pretending to be a lion and a zebra

Ky and Kade as chicken and egg

I call this one, "how do you squish three kids and a pregnant mom into a tiny train caboose"

Later that day we went to a really fun splash park where the boys ran around and had a great time.

That evening we went to the coolest mini-golf course ever. We've been there one other time, so this time we tried the other course. I liked the first one better, but it was still a lot of fun.

There were a lot of water hazards, and Bart had to help the boys get their golf balls out of the water lots. I began to think that the boys were getting a kick out of hitting their balls into the water and were doing it on purpose.

Thanks Bret and Charise for entertaining us for the weekend. We had such a great time!


Bret and Charise Miller said...

Yup:) we're glad you guys came down!

Alicia said...

Love the tummy picture Ashli!!!

Fernando Solis Eguiza said...

El Niño Y Tu Pilin