Thursday, March 28, 2013

happy 17 months!

I can't believe my baby is 17 months old today!  I haven't been doing monthly updates since he turned 1, but I wanted to write down a few of the things he is doing lately that I never want to forget!

I wish I could preserve:

~ The cute way he says, "no!"
~ The way he sings (the edited version) of "Locked Out of Heaven"
~The way he growls at us and pats on the floor, and tries to get us to do the same.  Then, when we growl at him and beat on the floor, instead of running away, he runs straight at us!
~The way he counts!  Most of the time it's: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.
~The way he jumps up and down with both hands above his head and says, "Yay!!"
~The way he puckers up for a kiss.  His pucker is so big it blocks his nostrils (it's a lot cuter than it sounds!)
~The way he climbs on everything!
~The way he asks us to sing "Rock-a-bye Baby" before bed each night
~His chubby cheeks and tummy
~The way he makes everyone else "perform" if we try to get him to.  For instance, if we start asking him, where's your nose, eyes, etc., he will do it once and then go around the room making everyone else perform the same task before he will do any more.
~The sweet hugs he gives his brothers
~The way he throws tantrums!  Not that I like when he throws tantrums, just the way he does it.  He will throw himself on the floor, lying on his tummy, then he says, "Nigh, night!"  (As if I will be so disappointed that he is thinking about going to sleep I might let him have his way!)
~The way he learns new words everyday and surprises me when he uses them.
~The way he remembers things like the name of a shape (star and oval), and points out something different that is a star or oval and names the shape correctly!
~The way he says "color."  It's the same sound you would make by wiggling your tongue quickly from side to side.  He loves to color!

He is such a sweet, fun, smart little boy and I feel so blessed to be his mom!  Now if we could just get that bonkerton to stop screaming at night...

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