Oh my goodness, I love Halloween. Especially with little kids, and this year did not disappoint.
The boys all selected the perfect pumpkins...
Krew painted his little white one, then proudly displayed it on the porch.
This was his reaction when he found out we were going to cut open his big orange one:
oh, the horror!
It took a little convincing, but he finally came around to the idea of carving them, and he dug right in!
The Saturday before Halloween we went to the Trunk-or-Treat party at church. Before we left, Bart took some awesome pictures of the boys in their costumes.
Krew picked out this Hulk costume months ago at Costco, because for some reason, he's decided he loves the Hulk. I'm not even sure what he's seen of the Hulk. Anyway, he's been talking about it for weeks, telling everyone about his Halloween costume. So of course, once it's finally time to wear it for real and go to a Halloween party, he starts pouting because he wants to wear a Ninja Turtle costume like his brothers. Of course.

But, once we got to the party, and he got some candy, he decided he liked his costume. (Candy is magical, isn't it!)
Bart went as a sports reporter, complete with his multiple cameras and his credentials
Everly went as the cutest Fairy Princess ever
And I just had to be a fairy princess with her, because I finally have a little girl to coordinate with!
I love these pictures of my boys dressed in these Ninja Turtle costumes. My mom made these costumes for my 3 brothers when they were little, and she brought them out with her for my 3 boys to wear. She had to make a few pieces to replace ones that had been lost over the years, but otherwise, these are totally "vintage" costumes. Funny that the same characters that were popular when I was little are popular again. Since it was freezing outside, and the kids were going to be bundled up anyway, and since Krew had worn his Hulk costume at least once, I decided I just wanted him to be happy trick-or-treating and if he wanted to wear the Ninja Turtles costume like his brothers, then great!
Of course, he changed his mind 90 seconds before we were all about to leave to go out, and he put his Hulk costume on instead.
Krew is at such a fun trick-or-treating age. He got excited about every piece of candy he got. In fact, as soon as someone put a treat into his bucket, he fished it out, held it up and said, "Mom, I got this one." Every. Single. Time.
I wasn't planning on taking the baby out, but I love that we always go trick-or-treating as a family, so I bundled her up, put her in the wrap, and she slept the whole time! I didn't put her costume on her again, but she did wear this adorable strawberry hat that she was given when she left the NICU.
We finished the evening by having friends over for pizza, and we stuffed ourselves with tootsie rolls and fun size candy bars.
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