At the beginning of February, we took an amazing trip to Florida. We'd only been back there once since living there for two years, and that was seven years ago. So, Krew and Everly had never been, and Kade and Ky don't remember much about being there. It was so fun to count down the days until we left. I know some parents like to surprise their kids with a trip to Disney and not tell them that they are going until they are on their way to the airport, but I don't think I could ever do that. Not that I don't like surprises, because I totally do. But, I loooove the anticipation and excitement of looking forward to a fun trip like this.

Our flight was smooth, and all the kids did awesome. What better way to pass the time in the airport, than with airport selfies! Oh, and don't mind Bart's black eye. Who said being the Young Men's president at church wasn't dangerous? #dodgeballtotheface

Our first day in Florida we headed to a park, because when you live in the frigid north, the chance to go play outside in a park, barefoot, in February is priceless! Plus, since my parents met us in Florida for this trip, playing at the park with grandma and grandpa was more fun than they have all had in months!
I don't know why I even bother trying to take pictures of all four of my children at the same time!
One of my favorite things about this trip was getting to spend some quality time with each of my kids, and Bart. When we are at home, there are always dishes to be cleaned, laundry, homework, cleaning, and so on that need to be done. But when we were on vacation, especially with my parents there to help out, I felt like I actually got to have fun with my kids without worrying about anything else. And my kids are all awesome, so that was great!
And, no vacation would be complete without some good swimming time!
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