Saturday, January 19, 2019

middle school football

 Kade has wanted to play football since he could walk.  He's played on flag football teams since he was 7.  He's begged us to let him play tackle football at least that long.  The answer had always been no, because well, we love him and we don't want him to die.  We still love him, but we changed our minds this fall and let Kade play tackle football on the 7th grade team.  I'm not sure I've ever seen him excited about anything in his life!

 Even though practices were much harder, longer, and more frequent than any of us were prepared for, and even though there were times Kade felt defeated and frustrated with how his first season of tackle football was going, he didn't give up, and at the end of the season, he had decided that he wants to play again next year.

 I did panic when, in the first game, he got hit so hard he flew back several feet.  I wondered if we had made a mistake in changing our minds.  As the season went on, it got easier and easier for me to watch him play.

 He ended up playing mostly on defense, which wasn't what he had been planning on.  It took some adjustment, but I think in the end, he decided he liked playing on defense.

 Kade wore these bright turquoise socks every game for good luck.  I appreciated that it made it easier for me to tell which player he was when they all look the same on the field.
 Way to go Kade!  We are proud of you!

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