Friday, March 15, 2019

98 degrees christmas concert

For my birthday back in December, Bart surprised me with tickets to the 98 Degrees Christmas concert, and because he's such an amazing husband, not only did he give me the tickets, but he came with me.  It was the Friday before Christmas and it was exactly what I needed to get fully into the Christmas spirit.
In college, I remember listening to the 98 Degrees Christmas CD over and over for a few Decembers in a row.  Also, because I went to high school at the end of the 90s, boy bands were kinda my thing for a long time.

In case you were wondering, yes they sounded great, and yes, they did all their same dance moves that they did in the 90s.
It was such a fun night and made me feel like a teenager again!  Thanks Bart!

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