Thursday, October 26, 2017

savoring the last drops of summertime!

By the time we get to the end of August every year, my mood changes every hour between these two extremes: 1-Oh no! Summer is almost over, we have so much we have to do before school starts.  I never want summer to end!  I'm going to miss you kids all so much when you go back to school, and 2-That's it!  I can't take another minute!  Can school please start right NOW!  I need some peace and quiet, I need my house to stay clean for more than 30 seconds, and I'm tired of doing fun things.  This August was no exception.  Multiple times a day I switched from one extreme mood to the other.  Luckily, (or unluckily) I have little to no say when summer ends and school starts, so we just try to make the most of each day (or not!)
 The end of August we were excited to experience the solar eclipse.  I  so wish we would have lived closer to an area that got to experience totality, but seeing a little bit of the eclipse was still pretty cool!
 I'm still not sure I understand how the eclipse changed the shape of the holes in the shadow of my colander, but it was fun to keep looking at it and watching how it changed.

 We made our annual trip to the botanical gardens to try to explore and get some cute pictures of the kids.  They weren't excited about all the pictures I was trying to take of them, but they had fun running around.

This is a throwback to last August at the same botanical garden.  It is possibly my favorite picture of these two together, and I couldn't help but thinking of it while I was looking at the pictures from this year, so I decided to include it for fun.

 There has been lots of bike riding this summer, and recently Krew and Everly discovered a great new way to ride the tricycle.  It's perfect because Everly can't reach the pedals, so this way she can go pretty fast, and Krew gets to ride too.  I can't tell you how many times they rode around like this!

 We like to go watch the Packers practice in the summer, and this year we were excited to go cheer on some BYU Cougars that were at training camp.
 The boys wore their BYU shirts and made signs and everything!  They were pretty excited when the players saw their signs and said hi!  Sadly, a couple of those players were not kept on the team, but it was fun cheering for them while it lasted!

 We tried foot golf (also known as soccer golf) for the first time this summer too.  It was way harder than I thought it would be, but we all had a good time.  Maybe not a good idea to take a 2 year old though, just saying!

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