On Friday night we went to a Halloween party at the community rec center. Ky and Kade were excited to dress up and I think they look pretty scary (or adorable, however you want to look at it) in their bat costumes. I didn't think their costumes were going to be ready in time, since I only found out about the party two days earlier. But, after a few setbacks, I finished their costumes while they napped Friday afternoon, and they were ready with about an hour to spare! Their costumes will be even cuter for our other parties, because their grandma sent some cute black hats that we will use instead of the headbands. Apparently no one sells winter hats in Florida in October (thanks Denni!).
Kade loved the trick-or-treating wall. He would run from one hole to the next, peer in, and wait for more candy! Ky had to be coaxed to each hole, but was thrilled each time another piece of candy was dropped in his pumpkin.
Ky's favorite part was the train ride he got to take, and Kade's favorite part was, you guessed it, the candy! He must belong to me!
Kade trick-or-treating
Ky being coaxed to trick-or-treat
Kade, mommy, and Ky on the rain ride
Cute costumes Ashli! It's weird to see a costume that isn't big and warm. Ever since we've had kids, we've lived in cold places.
Ashli, your boys are so darling. Congrats on being super mom and making the costumes!!!
Great job on the costumes!
Wish we didn't have to put layers and layers under our princess dresses. The weather looks perfect and your boys are the cutest bats we've ever seen
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