I try not to look too much to the future, and really just enjoy the now, but there is a little thing in the future that seems to consume much of my thoughts lately. That little thing is: where are we going to live when Bart is done in 8 months? We could probably find a job just about anywhere in the great, big United States of America (we have limited it down that far. I do not want to live in a foreign country), but where do we even begin to look? It just occurred to me a few weeks ago that eight months is not very long from now (and Bart takes his last test exactly eight months from today!), we are hoping that Bart has a job secured before he finishes school, and it's going to take several months to apply for jobs, attend interviews, commit to something, etc. So, we are going to have to start that process relatively soon. And we don't even know where to look. Of course we have begun to pray and fast about it, but there are so many things to consider in choosing where to live, somewhat permanently. (I'm ready for this move to be somewhat permanent. We have been married for 4 1/2 years and have lived in 5 different wards. Enough is enough already!) We have to consider proximity to family, climate, living expenses, cost of housing, quality of school systems, probable starting salary, and what fun recreational activities an area may offer, etc., etc., etc. It's all too much and so we have decided to leave this decision up to all of you. Please respond to the poll on the sidebar. Also, we are not above accepting bribes!
Such a big decision...whew!!
We are all also wondering where on earth (literally :) we are going to live. It's such a huge decision! I'm sure you guys will find just the right place for you. Good luck with moving into the "real world"!
What an exciting time! - and stressful. Move close to us! But we don't know where we'll be either. LOL
It is so hard making decisions like this! We've taken our first job in our "hometown" area and i still feel confused where we should live!
Good luck with everything.
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