Bart turned 27 on the 27th! Hooray! Unfortunately he had to share his birthday with the ward Halloween party, which I was in charge of all the games for. So, we had to spread out his birthday over the entire weekend to fit in everything.
Friday I made him his traditional birthday dinner: lasagna. We waited until the boys were in bed so we could actually enjoy the meal. (It worked so well that we decided we should do that more often.) Saturday morning, Bart went to put some air in one of the tires on our Mitsubishi, and found a screw in it. So he spent the morning of his birthday buying new tires. Not quite what he wanted to do with his birthday, but hey, he got two new tires for his birthday!
Also, it would have been nice if the Gators could have won on his birthday. Oh well, what can you do?
Happy Birthday Bart! I LOVE YOU and I'm so glad that I've been able to share 4 1/2 years of your 27 years with you.
Happy Birthday Bart! HOpe it was the best. Wish you were here and we could have celebrated with you. I love the Oreo's present.
Happy bday Bart! Brandon would say that ASU made up for Florida.. lol. I can understand the dinner after the kids are in bed - makes things so much more enjoyable and somehow the food always tastes better!
Very cute pictures. Happy Birthday Bart! So, I'm guessing he's a pretty die-hard Florida fan now, huh? I guess it would be hard not to be after winning championships in football and basketball. :)
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