Wednesday, January 16, 2019

everly is four!!

 On September 8th, Everly turned 4!!  I'm still not sure how it is possible that it has already been 4 years since this little beauty joined our family.  She has grown up so fast, but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every stage of her little life, and Everly at 4 years old is no exception.  She is such a bright spot in our lives and I'm not lying to her when I tell her all the time that she makes me happy every day!
 She was happy to let me take her across the street for a mini birthday photo shoot.  She had fun twirling in the long grass, and showing me on her fingers how old she was turning.

 Notice the Rapunzel shoes that she wore every day.  They are not practical at all, but she loves them more than most of her toys, and they are soooo Everly!

 Her laughter and her smile are contagious!  She is almost always happy and she can cheer us all up with just her cute little face!

 Even though she is like 96% little princess, she is still 4% total weirdo, and I think that makes her perfect!

 My favorite thing about the above picture is that it gives you a good idea of how much long, curly hair she has.  She doesn't wear it down very often, but I think it is so pretty when she does.

We had a fun day celebrating her birthday as a family.

 She requested My Little Pony cupcakes with sprinkles.  They were much easier than last year's Elsa doll cake.

Instead of a birthday party, she got to invite one little friend to come to Build-a-Bear with her.  They were both so adorable picking out their matching bears, and getting them all ready.  It was the perfect activity for her birthday.  

The other thing we did on her birthday was get her ears pierced!  She was super excited...
 until right about this point.  Look at that worry on her face. She cried for a few minutes afterward, and then spent the next few weeks changing her mind constantly about whether or not she liked having earrings. 

 She was happy to show them off later that day though!
I love this age opening presents.   She got so excited about each gift, no matter how small they were.

We ended the day with a few Rapunzel floating lanterns. This has turned into a tradition and it feels like the perfect way to end the day celebrating our little Everly Boots!

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