Saturday, April 4, 2009

props to the postal service

We recently received this letter in the mail. Looks awesome, huh? (the blurry addresses are courtesy of Photoshop, not the post office). It is a graduation card from my grandparents for Bart. Most of you know that Bart graduated last June. Notice the original post mark date: May 24, 2008. It took 9 1/2 months to get to us! In fact, it actually only got as far as the address we were at this summer, but luckily it was hand delivered to us from there. The envelope was sealed nicely and not torn when we received it, but the inside was still full of dirt! Where in the world was this card for 10 months? What did it go through? I can't even imagine.


Jessica said...

Yikes! It's a wonder we get anything at all. Somehow my bills all arrive.

American Falls TaVaci said...

If envelopes could talk...