Tuesday, February 28, 2017

january fun!

Here are some random things that we did in January:
Our baby swing was out one day because I had let a neighbor borrow it.  Everly thought it was great fun, and I thought it wasn't possible that she is that much bigger than last time she was in it.

"Again!" is Everly's favorite word.  Watch out if she ever convinces you to spin her around, swing her, tickle her, flip her, or anything else that she might think is fun.  You will enjoy the sound of her giggles, and the look of pure joy on her face.  However, you will then be haunted by the sound of her insisting "Again!" millions of times whether you give in to her pleadings once or a dozen times, it will never be enough.
We watched the inauguration of President Trump, and later that day when I took the kids to our favorite local bakery to celebrate their day off of school, the boys all picked out these Donald Trump cookies.  Ha ha!
PJs, a book, half a dozen necklaces, a Sofia doll, and a toy tiger.  Sounds like a dream morning to me.
I was lucky to go with Krew on his preschool class field trip to Piggly Wiggly.  Krew is right in front of the pig in this picture.  This pig followed us around the whole field trip and no less than 6 of the kids were completely terrified of him.  Most of the kids learned where fruits and vegetables come from, how cold the huge freezer is, how to make donuts and pizza, and how the cardboard baler works.  The other six kids leaned how to avoid getting attacked by the scary pig for 45 minutes.  Luckily Krew was one of the kids who wasn't scared, but it still made for a very stressful field trip for all of us chaperones.

Also, it was confirmed to me on this hour long field trip that my choice in college to switch my major from Early Childhood Education to Business Management was 100% the right choice.  I gained a lot of respect for preschool teachers that day.  It takes A LOT of patience to do what they do on a daily basis.
Ky and Kade were so excited to get off the bus one day to show me the new trick they learned.  I'm so proud and a bit jealous.  I've tried to solve a Rubik's cube so many times and I've never gotten close.
Go Gators!
Catching snowflakes!

Us girls went shopping at the fabric store to find some Disney fabric to make a dress for Everly to wear to Disney World.  We may have come home with three different prints, even though we only needed one.  It was super fun, and I'm sure it won't be the last time we shop for fabric together!

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