Thursday, March 11, 2021

april 2020 favorites

 In April we started getting really creative with how we spent our time as we continued to be completely isolated at home (except for Bart who had to continue going to work every day, and I went to the store a few times by myself when needed).  The kids were doing school from home, and it was definitely different than being at school.  Mostly they were given assignments that they could do at their own pace.  Somedays they were done after an hour, other days the work took much, much more time.  It was a bit painful for all of us.

Science at home, in the bathtub, still wearing pajamas.
We got creative and had several themed family nights. This particular night we had a family luau!  We ate Hawaiian food while listening to Hawaiian music, learned to hula dance, listened to Ky play the ukulele, ate Pineapple Dole whips, and watched Moana.  It was the most fun we had had in over a month!

One day, Krew decided to make a treasure hunt for Everly.  There were multiple maps, and lots of different treasures.  Of course they had to dress up like pirates to complete the experience.
One day, Bart and the kids set up this awesome, elaborate mini golf course all throughout our house.  Each hole had a theme, and a name, and we all played it for days!

Ky and Kade spent hours of lockdown drawing all of these Simpsons characters, and hung them on their wall.

Gas prices plummeted to under $1 for the first time in over 20 years.  The painfully ironic part was that gas was super cheap, the kids didn't have to physically be in school, and yet we still couldn't go anywhere.  That $12 tank of gas probably lasted me several months.
Luckily, there were some things that weren't much affected by the pandemic.  We still got to dye Easter eggs together.

The Easter bunny still came and left baskets full of toys and treats, and hid candy-filled eggs all over the house.
The Easter bunny still brought Everly an Easter dress, and although she didn't get to wear it to church on Easter Sunday, she did get to wear it for our at-home church service.

We still all got dressed up for Easter and took pictures, and celebrated the fact that Jesus is Risen, and He lives!

We got Everly a new bed, and she got a little sad on her last night in her pink toddler bed.  

We played hair salon,

made s'mores in the kitchen, 

played outside,

played with the birds, 
and made slime more than once.
Another theme night we had was Texas night.  We ate steak, and Texas sheet cake, said "y'all" a lot, and watched Home on the Range.  It was Ky and Kade's idea, and I think it was mostly an excuse to eat steak!

We definitely had to be creative to keep ourselves busy and entertained as we stayed in lockdown for six weeks at this point.  But we had fun together as a family, and made some lifelong memories.  It was hard staying away from all our family and friends, and we certainly got sick of staring at the same walls every day.  We had to cancel our trip to Utah and Arizona that we had planned for 6 months, and the pandemic was scary.  Bart worked harder in April than he ever has, as his patient population got slammed with the virus.  What we had been told was going to be a 2-3 week shutdown of schools, and church was turning into a much longer shutdown.  Luckily, we were all safe and healthy, and we had each other.

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