Friday, March 19, 2021

july fun 2020

With public pools closed this summer, we spent more time at nearby lake beaches as a great way to stay  cool.

Any chance to dip our toes in cool water somewhere, we took.  It was still fun, but man we miss going to the pool once or twice every week.

I made Bart come with me to scout locations for some senior portraits I was going to take.  He was a great stand-in senior for some test shots.

When there is a double rainbow over your house, your mom has to get you out of bed after she has tucked you in so you can see it and take a photo.
After being closed for months, several of the parks opened back up, and when they weren't too crowded, we stopped to play for a bit.
Bart took me on a kayaking date one day.  It was so much fun! We were way faster than all the other couples in our group, but by the end, we were tired.  

Another photo of what our porch looked like most of the summer.  When you can't play inside, you bring the inside outside.

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