Friday, May 2, 2008

quote for the day

I was cleaning off my desk and I found this quote that I had scribbled on a piece of paper while watching the movie, "Martian Child" last month. If I could remember this thought more often, I think I would be more patient with my boys, and I would try harder to help them learn about the fascinating world around them.

"Sometimes we forget that children have just arrived on the earth. They are a little like aliens, coming into beings as bundles of energy and pure potential, here on some kind of exploratory mission, and they are just trying to learn what it means to be human."

-John Cusack as David in Martian Child


Clay and Katy said...

nice quote...i like it!!!

Suzanne said...

Ashli! I love your blog - now you need to give me a lesson on how to make mine as cute as yours!

Rachel Murray said...

What a good reminder for all parents!