Friday, November 30, 2007

little singers

The boys have started singing a lot lately. They like to sing the song from Elmo's World, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Old MacDonald, The Wheels on the Bus, and Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam. They are getting pretty good at it and can get most of the words in there, and if not, they mumble until they get to words that they do know. It won't be long before they are singing Christmas songs too with as much as we are listening to them lately.

Here is a sample of them singing with their puppets this morning.


Meghan said...

SO cute! Love it - they're getting so big!

Ashley A. said...

That is extremely cute. I love listening to little kids sing :).

Sarah H said...

Very cute! That's great they sing! My boys are sort of resistent to singing.

Debbie said...

That's so fun! They are very cute.
Fun project painting your dresser. It looks much better than before!